Saturday, April 15, 2023

Staying in Touch 保持聯繫

I hope this email finds you well. Thanks for reading my "Parenting ABC" newsletters!

As you know, I am now a retired California marriage and family therapist who no longer provides counseling and therapy services. Lord willing, I shall continue to write articles and lead workshops; and you are still welcome to visit for additional resources.

I understand not everyone is looking for referrals so I have added a CONNECT form on my website so that you can send me a message, ask questions and request prayers in Chinese or English.

As a new believer, I received what Jesus said, "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." (Mark 5:19) and changed the direction of my life.

At this stage I'm still serving as a Pastor's wife being a child of God, a wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. There will be changes in the direction and website of Parenting ABC, so please stay tune and pray for me.

It has been wonderful to hear from my readers over the years, I still feel encouraged and supported each time I get a message. I'm so glad we have met each other, please tell me how I may pray for you.

In case somehow you're not receiving my emails in the future, you may use this CONNECT form to get in touch with me any time. To use it to update your change of email address, or request a prayer, simply visit and select the CONNECT tab at the top. Please try it now.

Remember, you and I are never alone in Christ. May the Lord bless you and your family!


收信平安。感謝你閱讀我的《美國孩子、中國爹娘》Parenting ABC 每月通訊!

如你所知,我現在是一名退休的加州婚姻和家庭治療師,不再從事專業諮詢、輔導和治療服務。但主若願意,我將會繼續寫文章和作陪訓講員。請為我禱告,也歡迎隨時到 網站尋求資源。


初信主,我領受了主耶穌所說的話:「你回家去,到你的親屬那裡,將主為你所做的是何等大的事,是怎樣憐憫你,都告訴他們。」(馬可福音 5:19) 並改變了我的人生方向。



以防你收不到我的電子郵件,你以後可以隨時使用此表格來與我聯繫。要使用它來更改電子郵件地址或請求代禱,只需訪問 並選擇頂部的 CONNECT 選項卡。請現在就試看。


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