Catastrophic events and bad news can knock us to our knees. COVID-19 epidemic, the Turkey & Syria earthquake, stabbing murder of four Idaho U students, successive shootings in the Chinese community in California, and Tyre Nichol's death after brutal police beating. But personal adversities can pack an equally powerful punch. Our parents get divorced, our spouse is diagnosed with cancer, our family member has a mental breakdown, we lose our home. Often these events seem to come out of nowhere and feel completely unmanageable as we struggle to regain our footing and any semblance of "normal."
But, like great trees, humans can grow stronger when exposed to powerful winds. That is easy to say, we may think, as we recall those who did not grow stronger but instead broke in the wind. How do we increase our inner strength and flexibility so that we not only survive the adversity but thrive? Here are several strategies that can help.
Be optimistic and think creatively. Trust that there's a solution to every problem and let your mind soar. Approach the problem from new and different directions. Perhaps rather than losing your home, you could find a housemate whose rent would make the difference between paying the mortgage or not.
Have courage and speak up. Courage is taking action despite the fear you feel. If someone isn't taking you seriously, speak up. Be your own advocate. Tell that person what you want and need. Don't assume he or she "should know."
Take the long view. Recount other times when you have overcome challenges. How did you do it? Who or what helped you? Who or what can help you this time?
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